Introduction In recent years, the shift towards metal roofing in…
The Difference Between Bedding and Pointing
People are often confused when they think about bedding and pointing. Although both terms are associated with roof repairs, they represent different aspects of the repair work.
Pointing is the external part of mortar joints, in masonry construction. Over time, weathering and decay cause voids in the joints between masonry units, allowing undesirable entrance of water – Wikipedia
Bedding and pointing are essentials of a robust roof. These terms are associated with inverted V-shaped tiles and capping that sits on the mortar. The process of setting this mortar is known as bedding. It involves tasks like removing the old mortar to clean the roof, choosing a mortar, laying a layer of the mortar, and then fixing the tiles above it.
The edges and the spaces between tiles are set with a mixture of mortar to enhance the finished appeal of construction. The ridge capping and edges are held in place and set firmly with the help of a mortar or flexible compound. This process is known as pointing.
What Can Go Wrong With Bedding and Pointing?
Bedding and pointing are not as straightforward as they sound. They involve intricate tasks of mixing the mortar, including choosing the right one. The roof is one of the most essential structures of a home, thus utmost care has to be taken before undertaking any repair work. You wouldn’t want a leaking roof again within 2 months of repair. Let’s take a look into things that can go wrong during roof rebedding and repointing.
Mistake #1: Choice of mixture
The mortar used for pointing is a key element in roof repairs. Old homes are made of dense stones and bricks through which moisture doesn’t escape easily. Thus, the mortar should consist of a material that can breathe. It should allow excess moisture to escape and would eventually wear out over the years, thus requiring repairs. It is sort of a self-sacrificing material that protects the walls over the years. Lime mortar is most suited for such purposes.
However, walls made of porous materials do not require such mortar material. This happens in the case of modern homes where bedding and pointing can be done with the cement material. Bedding made of the lime mixture should not be pointed using a cement mixture.
Most tilers now prefer flexible compounds for pointing instead of a mortar mixture. Unlike mortar, they do not develop cracks over time and are also waterproof. With colours that don’t fade, the flexible compound is a long-term solution to your roof problems.
Mistake #2: Mixture composition
The mortar mixture is a key element of bedding and pointing. The mortar has to be ideal to bind the roof tiles together. There are various recommendations available across websites. However, the consistency of the mixture depends on the kind and size of the job. For roof restructuring, this would be 3 to 4 parts of building sand to one part cement. One has to make sure that the mixture is not too wet or too dry as in either case it would not hold off and the purpose of rebedding would be defeated.
Mistake #3: Protruding repointing
Repointing is not about adding another layer to fix your tiles. It is the process of extending the life of a worn-out roof through meticulous work. The gaps between the tiles have to be filled thoroughly and patiently. Tiles must also be lined up correctly. Excess mortar can cause lumps at the tile ridges, which can end up looking ugly once dried.
Protruding repointing makes your roof heavy and provides room for water collection, which can in turn lead to various structural issues and jeopardise the health of the residents. Thus, one needs to exercise utmost care while resurfacing and levelling the roof.
Mistake #4: Quality of tiles
Some people prefer a tile change along with rebedding and repointing. The tiles can be chosen to suit your preferences but we advise looking at the toughest weather conditions and adapting them to the worst case scenario. They should also withstand pressure and not break easily when stepped upon. Tiles which have small ridges underneath the surface are ideal, as they allow space for the mortar to grip the tiles in place.
A sub-standard tile quality can cause premature failures of bedding and pointing. Slippery tiles that do not grip easily can cause frequent problems. The tile should complement the mortar mix to make your bedding long-lasting.
Advantages of Roof Rebedding and Roof Repointing
Rebedding and repointing are periodic needs for your roof to last longer. Not only does it enhance the exterior appeal of your home, but also imparts its sturdiness. A skilfully done repointing can make all the difference. Thus, it needs to be done professionally. Here are some advantages of a well-done rebedding.
Prevents mould growth
A tightly held roof prevents water from seeping down. This in turn prevents any mould growth in your beams and ducts. Mould is that dirty growth that can make your home have a musty smell and also spread spores that gradually infest everything, including food and clothes. Mould removal is not only expensive but also consumes a lot of time. Rebedding and repointing ensures that rainwater doesn’t make its way through your roof, thus your home stays free of mould.
Some Mould produce mycotoxins, chemical components of their cells walls, that can pose serious health risks to humans and animals – Wikipedia
Prevents wood rot
Over a long enough timeframe, pooled water is a universal solvent and will seep through the bedding and pointing down to wooden beams that hold the roof up. In case of faulty roof-work, your entire wooden structure might be at risk. A professionally done rebedding does not allow water to make its way through, thus preventing the underlying roof wood from rotting.
Protection from weather
Keeping in mind Melbourne weather conditions, a roof in the area must be sturdy enough to withstand any inclement weather. Rebedding ensures that the tiles are fixed firmly and not blown away with strong winds. Weather-tolerant tiles protect your home against harsh and unpredictable weather changes.
Enhances exterior appeal
Homes made during the 20th century might need occasional repairs, especially their roofs. Rebedding and repointing not only add to the life of your home but also impart a fresh, distinct new look to it. Sharp and crisp repointed edges can enhance the exterior appeal of your home. You can even change the tiles during rebedding, in case your budget allows it.
Signs That Your Roof Needs Rebedding or Repointing
Although it is advised to rebed and repoint your roof once every ten years, there might be indications that you should get it done before that. A broken roof with leaking water is one of the primary reasons for emergency roof repairs. However, there might be some other indicators too that suggest the roof needs some work.
Water leaks and moisture
As the pointing starts to get old, it develops cracks, which in turn allows water to seep through causing leakages and excess moisture. This is a major indication that your roof needs repointing. If left untreated, it can cause structural damages.
Loose tiles and cracks
If you notice tiles on your roof loosening, that suggests that the bedding has lost its hold and needs replacement. With time, the bedding becomes weak and is no longer able to hold the tiles in place, which is why the tiles become loose. That can cause the tiles at the outer roof edges to fall down to the ground.
Tile cracks are another indication that the roof has started to deteriorate. Even though the tiles haven’t shifted a great deal, they may develop cracks that can allow sunlight and water to seep through.
Periodical inspections
If you notice some wobbly tiles while cleaning your roof or during a regular inspection, that indicates a need to rebed and repoint the roof. Pieces of granules lying in the gutter also indicate a depletion state of the roof. If your roof hasn’t been subjected to repairs for a long time, it might soon start to cause problems.
What To Do If Your Bedding or Pointing Need Repair
Roofs should be bedded and repointed from time to time to avoid heavy emergency repairs during inclement weather. There is no set rule on how often that should be, meaning you should talk to a roofing specialist and get personalised recommendations for your roof. Contact us at 1300 475 097 for your roof bedding and pointing needs.
However, despite all efforts, your roof may require rebedding and repointing due to time and weather effects. People are often worried about having their roofs re-bedded and repointed. However, it is nothing more than a need for your home to stay dry and mould-free.
Bedding and Pointing Are Not a DIY Job
Many people often make the mistake of undertaking rebedding and repointing themselves. However, it is not as easy as it sounds since laymen often do not possess the skills or the tools required to carry out the job. For example, stepping on tiles in the right manner so they don’t break is one such skill. The process of removing the old tiles and the sequence of their removal and rebedding can be puzzling for a layman. Also, there is always the danger of falling off the roof. You would have to have tools such as a tall ladder, a harness rope, and other safety and construction equipment.
Even if you can master those skills and have those tools, it still wouldn’t guarantee you a perfectly done job. There is always the possibility of a wrongly mixed mortar or a shoddy repair work, which would not last long, and can lead to a whole roof restoration if damaged further.
Thus, it is always better to hire a trained professional for a complex job like this one. It would save you the cost and inconvenience and time required to do the job yourself.
What To Look For in a Professional
It is advisable to let your roof in the hands of professionals, but choosing one amongst so many options can be time-consuming. However, you can follow certain guidelines on how to select the best professional that suits your needs. Here is what you should look for in a professional.
Experience is something that only comes through years of practical work done, which is why you should talk to a roofing professional and ask about their prior work. The professional should be able to provide you a portfolio of work done and readily answer all your roofing questions. By talking to several roofing professionals, asking them the same questions and comparing their answers, you can assess their experience and choose the most experienced one.

Quality and supervision
When you hire a team of professionals, the work is often delegated to workers. One must ensure that the work is properly supervised by a responsible professional. The quality of work done by workers matters just as much as the quality of supervision.
It is the combined quality of both that determines the longevity of roof repairs. An ill-done work would require frequent repairs and recurring expenditure. Thus, it is wise to hire a professional team that can field both quality workers and quality supervisors. Market reputation can help in determining the level of work offered by the professional.
Budget and time
Most homeowners have tight budgets and can rarely afford emergency roof repairs. Thus, you should plan ahead and think a couple years in advance to set up a rainy day fund. Start contacting roofing professionals right now and ask them for the price range so you know what you’re dealing with.
Along with meeting the budget criteria, the professional should also deliver the project on time. Call roofing professionals and ask about timeframes to get a feeling for how long bedding and pointing takes.
Schedule Your Bedding and Pointing Inspection With Vivify
We at Vivify Roofing field a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who can get your roof done with precision. With years of experience, we are capable of solving any issues that arise with your roof. Our 100% 5 Star reviews on Google has earnt our team a reputation as a leading provider of roof restoration Melbourne.
Contact us today to schedule your bedding and pointing inspection with Vivify Roofing today.
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